March 04, 2014
My Favorite Tech Sites Revealed

As a self-proclaimed technophile, I would be hard-pressed to pick and choose my top three favorite tech sites. There are so many great sites on the Internet that it can often be overwhelming trying to keep up-to-date on all of the latest happenings in the technology realm. But never fear - while I may not be able to narrow it down to my top three picks, I can go one step further: Here, in no particular order, are my top nine favorite tech sites of all time!
Ars Technica is one of those great websites that have it all: looks, style, and loads of information about not just the information technology sector but technology in general, covering topics such as computers, gaming, and even aerospace. In addition to their top-notch articles, they also have a pretty hefty forum if you (like me) enjoy discussing all things tech with other like-minded individuals. And if that isn't enough, if you ever find yourself in need of a job, they have a listing section for that as well, with job postings provided by Ars Technica members. So now you can keep yourself informed and look for that dream job at the same time. It's hard to beat that!
While not as sleek as Ars Technica in appearance (or as feature-rich), Gizmodo features a pretty simple interface that cuts right to the chase - information in a simple format. Like other tech websites in this list, Gizmodo doesn't just focus on computers - they feature every type of technology news and editorials. What I like about them is their sometimes-quirky approach to technology stories. They tend to think outside of the box when it comes to stories they feature, as opposed to always just posting the same tech news you see plastered across the Internet.
I love Mashable - there, I said it. And that's not just because it reminds me of my favorite form of potato (the mashed variety). It is one of those ideas I would have liked to invent, and not just because I am sure the site really rakes in the dough. Mashable is a blog that takes information of interest to your typical techie from sources like blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and so forth, and mashes it all together (hence the name Mashable). It is a great place to find all manner of useful and entertaining technology information and saves you a ton of time by putting a lot of articles from different sources in one place.
While not 100% a technology site, HowStuffWorks is an all-around great site, particularly if you want to know how something works inside and out. The name says it all, folks. Sometimes, to really understand technology, you need to know its innermost workings and secrets: That's where HowStuffWorks comes into play. I"m familiar with the editorial process at HowStuffWorks, and unlike at a lot of other how-to websites, it's pretty top-notch. They don't just take any old article and pop it on their website: There is a vigorous screening process, and any source information has to be fielded and pass the test. Because of this, I know the knowledge on the site isn't just rehashed hand-me-downs.
Perhaps the handiest of all tech sites when it comes to getting your thinking cap on is Lynda. They offer tutorials in a video format for virtually all areas of technology, from servers and Web hosting to programming, SEO, Web design, and graphic manipulation. The website charges a fee for subscriptions of varying levels, but if you are an IT pro or want to really delve into that field, Lynda is well worth the expense (and if you freelance or own your own business, you can write it off on your taxes).
Another great place to really get your learning on is Safari Books Online. I cannot say enough great things about this site. Like Lynda, Safari works on a subscription model, with prices that vary depending upon your need. Unlike Lynda, however, Safari Books Online not only has a vast repository of videos for all forms of technology, but they have a ton of books from the leading publishers in the tech industry (O'Reilly and Pearson to name a few). In addition, they have some good articles, and their mobile apps aren't anything to shake a stick at, either.
Okay, so this one isn't technically a technical website (that's a mouthful right there). However, LinkedIn should be on every professional"s must-visit list. Networking is, after all, one of the most important things you can do in your career, and LinkedIn is the spot to do it. It is the perfect resource to find other tech-related individuals if you have a need for a professional or (in a worst-case scenario) you find yourself looking for tech work.